Nikon D3000, D300s get pictured


Well, well. We told you that Nikon was going to launch two DSLR cameras this summer. These two are probably them and we need to point out that Nikon is getting good “leaking” pics of unannounced cameras. The last time around, everyone and their brother knew about the D5000 before it was official. This time we’re seeing the D300s - which we already know about - and the also unannounced D3000.

A quick look at the D300s pic (above) shows that it sports a microphone for the rumored video mode. But besides that little change, the rest of the body seems to be the same as the current D300, which is right in line with the rumor.


The D3000 pic shows a body that’s very similar to the new D5000 except for the lack of microphone holes and it’s slightly smaller. You can probably guess what that means. Also, LensTip examined the pic closely and found that it doesn’t have an HDMI port, articulating display, which all means this camera will likely be the entry level DSLR when it launches.

Given the product hero shots are already available - that is if these are real - there is a good chance that we’ll see both the D300s and D3000 sometime this summer.


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